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Baker Hughes从GE手中得益,获Coral FLNG分包合同

发表于 2017-8-31 11:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国北京
Baker Hughes从GE手中得益,获得Coral FLNG分包合同订单,至此已经获得两个合同Coral FLNG项目详细情况,可以参见小编微信文章:Coral FLNG——放下情绪,审视自己,中国制造业路在哪里……文章链接:http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/m942E-4cqDz0pskZyIHIsA

1. provide rotating equipment for the power and gas refrigeration process of the new FLNG facility. The order consists of four Turbo-compression trains for mix refrigeration services, using the company’s aeroderivative gas turbine (model PGT25+G4) technology and driving its centrifugal compressors. In addition, the company will provide four Turbo-generation units, also driven by aeroderivative gas turbines (model PGT25+G4).
2. supply of Boil-Off Gas (BOG) and booster compressors capable of operating at -180° C to re-liquefy excessive BOG evaporating out of the LNG storage tanks.


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