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some details from the yearly repot 2008 of FRONTLINE

发表于 2009-6-21 14:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江舟山
In February and March 2006, we entered into newbuilding contracts with Waigaoqiao to purchase four VLCCs and subsequently sold two of these newbuilding contracts in June 2006 for a net gain of $9.8 million. In June 2006, we entered into two newbuilding contracts with Waigaoqiao for the purchase of two VLCCs with an option to purchase two
additional VLCC newbuildings. In September 2006, we exercised our option for the two VLCC newbuilding contracts and simultaneously sold these newbuilding contracts to a third party for a net gain of $6.2 million.
In July 2006, we entered into newbuilding contracts with Rongsheng, in China for the delivery of two Suezmaxes and simultaneously entered into options for four further similar Suezmax newbuildings. In August 2006, we entered into newbuilding contracts for four Suezmaxes at Rongsheng and sold two of these Suezmax newbuilding contracts to Ship
In March and April 2007, we exercised our options with Rongsheng for four Suezmax newbuildings with contracted delivery dates between the end of 2008 and 2010. Rongsheng was unable to deliver the first three Suezmax newbuildings (hulls 1017, 1018 and 1019) by their contractual delivery dates. We are currently discussing the delays with the shipyard and considering any remedies that may be available to us.
In April 2008, we entered into a contract with Jinhaiwan in China for the delivery of four VLCC newbuildings. These vessels are scheduled for delivery in the second half of 2011.
In April 2008, we also secured fixed price options, which were exercised in May 2008, for two similar VLCC newbuildings to be delivered in the first half of 2012. At December 31, 2008, we had newbuilding contracts for eight Suezmaxes and ten VLCCs. One of the VLCCs, Front Kathrine, was delivered to us on January 8, 2009. In 2008, we paid $323.7 million in newbuilding installments and had future commitments of approximately $1,366 million as of December 31, 2008. Following installments paid of $68.7 million in 2009, we currently have outstanding commitments of approximately $1,298 million.

frontline yearly report of 2008.pdf

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-21 20:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江舟山
从FRONTLINE分离出去的GOLDEN OCEAN目前在金海湾有11搜79600 DWT散货船,5艘176000 DWT散货船订单;在熔盛有3条75500 DWT散货船订单。
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