以前看到挂旗国有挂norway flag的,也有挂norway NIS flag的,特意查了下,见下:
Norwegian International Ship Register, NIS is a separate Norwegian ship register for Norwegian vessels aimed at competing with flags of convenience registers like Panama, Liberia etc. Originally proposed by Erling Dekke Næss in 1984 it was established in Bergen in 1987.
In the years before the register had been established the Norwegian register lost out as it could not compete with lower paid seamen. The main objectives of establishing the register were:
- Maintain the shipping industry under the Norwegian flag.
- Provide better competitive conditions for the Norwegian merchant fleet in worldwide trade.
- Initiate registration requirements in accordance with Norway's obligations under international agreements, (especially UN, IMO & ILO).
- Maintain a Norwegian fleet that could give greater employment opportunities to Norwegian seaman than a foreign flagged fleet.
- Restrict the types of vessels that may be registered.
- Limit the trading areas allowed. (NIS vessels cannot trade cargo between Norwegian ports or carry passengers on a regular basis to or from Norwegian ports.)
The register has been highly successful and in 2002 there were 880 vessels in the register with a total of ca. 21.2 million GRT. (39 million DWT.).
我们知道,挂liberia和panama旗的船是有些方便和好处的,上面的介绍也说NIS is a separate Norwegian ship register for Norwegian vessels aimed at competing with flags of convenience registers like Panama, Liberia etc,就是为了与Panama, Liberia竞争。事实上挂panama, liberia旗的船与panama, liberia这些国家没有直接联系,往往被叫做no real connnection to the countries。挂这些旗的船雇主往往可以给船员很低的工资待遇、船上员工的工作条件也很恶劣,他们的安全也得不到重视。如下所说:Many seafarers working on FOC(flags of convenience) ships receive shockingly low wages, live in very poor on-board conditions, and work long periods of overtime without proper rest. They get little shore leave, inadequate medical attention, and often safety procedures and vessel maintenance are neglected (in many cases reported to the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), FOC ships have been unseaworthy). In some of the worst cases, seafarers are virtual prisoners on FOC vessels...
也就是说,这里挂norway NIS flag的船应该是比norway的要方便,既然方便有好处,那为什么还有船东要挂norway flag呢,为什么不都选择挂方便一些的norway NIS flag呢?我想可能与船员工资待遇、船所缴纳的保险费等等很多因素有关。所以想问一下船东们、船舶保险的同志们,甚至船旗国政府的朋友们,挂panama, liberia等一些方便旗的船和一些相对他们来说不方便的船以后到底会有什么不同?
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