发表于 2009-5-20 19:33
来自: 中国江苏泰州
编辑:国际船舶网 出处:国际船舶网 点击数:881 发布时间:2009-5-16 9:02:37
据秦总介绍他作为工厂对外发布有关船舶经营方面消息的授权人之前从未向任何人、任何单位发表过三福船厂有20条船弃船的言论,更为奇怪在报道中关于撤单的数据来源于DNV,,而三福船厂到目前为止还未曾和DNV合作过项目,也没有听到LLOYD’S LIST 或DNV 和工厂核实过关于此信息的情况,为此工厂已经向LLOYD’S LIST正式发了律师函,要求为此事作出解释。
曾被TRADEWIND 评为中国最有潜力民营船厂之一
泰州三福船舶工程有限公司有两个厂区,老厂区成立有二十多年,主要造驳船,年造船能力50—60条10000吨级驳船,到目前为止已经成功交付了几百条各种形式的出口驳船,是国内最大的驳船厂之一。新厂区成立于2003年,从2004年开始边建厂边造船,于2006年开始交船。2006年交了2条船,2007年交了4条船,2008年交了7条船,2009年计划交14条船左右。工厂正在稳步健康发展、壮大,需要各界朋友的支持和帮助。三福船厂2007年-2008年间,曾经被TRADEWIND 评为中国最有潜力的民营船厂之一。
2009年2月2日三福船厂成功交付了一条12000DWT多用途重吊船给丹麦船东NORDANA,由于提前一个多月交船,在这种金融危机下船东还是同意接船并奖励了船厂25万美圆,2月20日船东在丹麦杂志上发表了一篇文章,对三福船厂及所造船的评价为“ We are super happy with the shipyard and the ship is built in a high quality, says Johan Wedell-Wedellsborg”
The first ship in new series to Nordana
Nordana has taken delivery of the first newbuilding in a series of 12 vessels from Chinese shipyard Taizhou Sanfu. So saying is the largest investment in the company's history, shot well underway.
The 12 ships are multipurpose units 12580tdw with their own cranes that can handle up to 300 tons in combination. Earlier the shipyard has delivered a series of similar vessels for various German companies.
The first ship in the series to Nordana is “Elsborg” which was delivered in early February. This is followed by “Ellensborg” in May, while the “Brattingsborg” and “Billesborg” is delivered in the second half of this year.
The first two ships scheduled to be supplied in 2010, are “Marselisborg” and “Fredensborg”, after which the remaining six units follow during 2010 and 2011.
Commercial operation of the ship lies with Nordanas project cargo shipping company Nordana Project & Chartering (NPC), while its sister company Dannebrog Rederi takes care of the technical operation.
“Elsborg”, which is placed under the Gibraltar flag, measuring 138.5 meters, the width is 21 m while the draft is 8 m. The main engine is a MaK 6M43, providing 5,400 kW to 15 knobs service speed.
-We are super happy with the shipyard and the ship is built in a high quality, says Johan Wedell-Wedellsborg.
He goes on to say that both the Dannebrog (tanker operations) and Nordana may mark a slowdown in the immediate market, but that both companies still have a reasonable profit and thus is far from the more serious situation in several other business areas.
“Elsborg” and “Ellensborg” was actually previously sold from the K/S companies under CS & Partners, but the ships were, according to owner Johan Wedell-Wedellsborg bought back to Dannebrog. Dannebrog owns the first two ships in the series, while Nordana accounting for the remainder.
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