发表于 2016-7-18 09:57
来自: 中国上海
The dialogue with COSL in the wake of the order has contributed to new information in the case. The PSA and the Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA), as the PSA’s technical assistance authority, have assessed the new information and have decided that grounds are present for withdrawing the decision to make the order.
这个事件发生时浪高并不太高,是一个STEEP WAVE(且浪高已经超过100年一遇)造成的抨击,这也是以前担心的,是否因此会出台要求,几乎北海现存所有(韩国近两年造的除外)平台都需要进行加强改装,这将是一个大麻烦。
假如谁有时间和兴趣,我可以提供原设计的尺寸供研究(加浮体后的属于COSL所有,不予提供),为防止用于商业用途以及侵害COSL权益,请尽量私信工作邮箱给我 |