本帖最后由 龙门吊指挥使 于 2016-5-12 10:41 编辑
闲来无事,做了个检查清单,供同道中人交流 船舶建造合同检查清单
1. Preframe □ 合同签订时间需确认,中英是否一致 □ 合同方名称及地址确认一致,合同签订地很重要,涉及仲裁法院管辖权问题 □ 若有联合卖方,需注意卖方地位 □ 【买方需坚持】The export Agent and the builder shall be jointly and severallyliable for the due performance of this Contract and for all obligations whichmay arise under or in connection with it □ 【中间商需坚持】Notwithstanding the CSTC being a party to this Contract, as theexport agency to the Builder/Seller, its obligations and/or liabilities andrights and benefits shall be limited to those as expressly and unambiguouslyset forth in this Contract. □ 【买方应坚持】卖方责任应包括design 2. Description and Class □ 合同附件应包括图号,若有日期,应包括updated date □ IMO □ 【卖方需坚持】Class Notation不可答应free from all recommendations reservations or qualifications □ 核对船级符号,不懂的弄清楚 □ 挂旗国要指定,否则船东更换之后会有新的送审 □ 保证允许油耗应明确在主机台架试验时进行。 □ 【卖方需坚持】删除”卖方确保船舶各方面满足船旗国要求”, 其已经内化到船级社要求之中 □ 下水后进坞时间至少6个月 3. Contract price &Terms ofpayment □ 核对中英文数字一致 □ 核对总价是否不包括船东供应品以及是否有加减帐,【卖方需坚持】which is exclusive of the cost for the Buyer’s Supplies as providedin Article V hereof, and shall be subject to upward or downward adjustment, ifany, as hereinafter set forth in this Contract.【买方需坚持】: The ContractPrice shall include all costs, fees, charges, expenses etc that may accrue orbe incurred in connection with this Contract(including, but without limitingthe generality of the foregoing, payment for services rendered in connectionwith the inspection, testing, survey, classification of the Vessel by theClassification Society or payments needed in connection with the production andsupply of drawings etc) and it only excludes the cost of the Buyer’s Supplies. □ Currency【买方应坚持】andshall be made on a banking/business day, Under this Contract, in counting thebanking or business days, only Saturdays and Sundays are exempted. When a duedate falls on a day when banks are not open for business in Piraeus, Hamburg,New York or P.R. China, such due date shall fall due upon the first businessday next following. □ TERMS OF PAYMENT: 【买方需坚持】1stInstalment必须在保函出具之后支付, □ 合同签订之后第一期款项支付时间3天 □ 保函必须全部开,不可每期款项单独开,其净额不包括最后一期船款【and assignable refund guarantee covering all pre-deliveryinstallments】 □ 【卖方需坚持】,保函必须是conditional, 不可接受Unconditional, □ 【买方需坚持】,卖方银行需acceptable □ 【买方需坚持】,Provided however that none of the above installments shall bepayable if the Refund Guarantee( as such term is defined hereinabove) issuedpursuant to this Article ceases to be in force and no substitute RefundGuarantee has been provided in accordance with the provisions of this Contractin relation thereto.
□ 【卖方需坚持】Save in the circumstances provided above, any and all payments dueunder this Contract shall not be delayed or withheld by the Buyer on account ofany dispute or disagreement of whatsoever nature arising between the partieshereto, unless either party has commenced arbitration proceedings at therelevant time.
□ 【卖方需坚持】尾款按Cash deposit 模式,具体条文参照XXX模式 □ 【买方需坚持】尾款However, such remittance shall be made by the BUYER only uponissuance and receipt of Seller’s commercial invoice.