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发表于 2015-10-16 07:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国河北秦皇岛
本帖最后由 某小女 于 2015-10-16 07:18 编辑

昨晚准备的内容,还挺精心的。早起发出去点确认的瞬间,我整个人就不好了。感觉天昏暗的乌七八糟的。。。原因是介绍FPDs,题目发成了PDFs. 里面写成了 FPDs.  这都是什么鬼啊…555。小女的不严谨,有下岗的趋势…直接粘过来了。大家找到那个鬼了吗?

大家还记得前天我们推送的一则救生艇坠落的视频吗(Lifeboat Drop),这样的事故并不是个例。以下摘自MSC circ 1327。

1986年,救生艇和救助艇的负载释放钩在SOLAS公约中成为强制性要求,此系对1980年3月挪威最糟的海上事故作出反应,在该事故中,北海埃科弗克油田的Alexander Kielland平台倾覆,平台上212人中123人遇难。这些新的SOLAS要求从而被视作在救生艇设计中跨出重要的向前一步。
In 1986, on-load release hooks for lifeboats and rescue boats were made mandatory in the SOLAS Convention, in response to Norway’s worst offshore accident in March 1980, when the Alexander Kielland platform in the North Sea Ekofisk field capsized, killing 123 of the 212 persons on board. These then new SOLAS requirements were considered an important step forward in lifeboat design.
该事故造成的一些死亡归因于当救生艇的重量在钩子和吊艇索上时,救生艇无释放装置。因此,承载释放系统被视为有益的。Some deaths in that accident were attributed to the fact that the lifeboat had no means of release when its weight was on the hook and falls. Therefore, on-load release systems were seen to offer benefits.
自从IMO关于所有船舶配备承载释放系统的要求生效后,在演习和检修期间发生了若干严重事故。Since the IMO requirements for all ships to be fitted with on-load release systems came into force, there have been a number of serious accidents during drills and servicing.


这些事故中,许多是由于缺乏维护保养,设计很差或培训不充分。即使设计有3个安全联锁,设备故障也会导致承载钩装置过早打开,引起救生艇出乎意料地从吊艇架坠落。Many of these accidents were attributed to either lack of maintenance, poor design or inadequate training. Failures of equipment can result in the premature opening of the on-load hook mechanism, causing the lifeboat to fall from the davits unexpectedly, even with three safety interlocks provided for in the design.
许多承载释放钩的现行设计系设计成在救生艇自身重量的作用下打开,且常常需要由操作机构来保持关闭状态。这意味着操作机构的任何缺陷或故障,船员失误或钩在上次操作后未正确复位会导致过早释放。A number of current designs of on-load release hooks are designed to open under the effect of the lifeboat’s own weight and often need to be held closed by the operating mechanism. This means that any defects or faults in the operating mechanism, errors by the crew or incorrect resetting of the hook after being previously operated, can result in premature release.
A “Fall Preventer Device” (FPD) can be used to minimize the risk of injury or death by providing a secondary alternate load path in the event of failure of the on-load hook or its release mechanism or of accidental release of the on-load hook.



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发表于 2015-10-16 17:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国山东青岛
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