转行的另一个被很多人犹豫的就是我不做和本专业相关的对我未来有没有好处。那么我今天就来谈谈复合型人才有多重要。前面两个帖子我大量的比较了中美两个在本科教育上面广度上的差异。我个人认为专业狭窄是我们国家的一大败笔。为什么这么说,现在的工作分工的确越来越细致,但是任何公司甚至是国家都是金字塔形的结构,你要做领导,哪怕做个总设计师,总工程师,本身就要涉猎太多自己在本科时候没有接触过的东西,有的甚至需要相当深入。 在这里我举几个最新的例子。我随便在NTNU上面找两个正在招的博士信息 一个是: PhD position in “Stochastic Wind ParkModelling and Maintenance Scheduling under Uncertainty” (IVT-35/15) 这个职位属于土木工程学院里面研究风电的项目,从事的是随机过程的模拟,我们来看看他的要求: The aim of this interdisciplinary research project is to develop and improve astochastic simulation model for the operational phase of an offshore wind farm.Such models simulate the weather, power production from turbines, theoccurrence of faults and failures, etc. The focus here will be on novelstrategies for maintenance scheduling under uncertain information, e.g., byincluding weather forecasts with limited accuracy and incomplete information. Bayesian statistical decision theorywill be used to derive optimal strategies, and will be contrasted with gametheoretic solutions and other machine learning approaches. The simulation willfinally be extended to a serious game that has the aim of demonstrating thecomplexity of running a wind farm to potential end users, decision makers andthe general public, in order to create awareness for the advantages anddisadvantages of wind energy versus conventional energy sources. 这个涉及到大量统计学知识的职位首先就指出了这是一个interdisciplinary research。 再有有一个职位 PhD positions in NTNU Ocean Science andTechnology: Deep Sea Mining 这个是做深海采矿的,来看看它的要求 Deep sea mining is a pilot project at NTNU Ocean Science and Technology.The project is multidisciplinary,building knowledge across technologies and sciences at NTNU. Key research areasare the understanding of geologicalprocesses, deep water exploration,concept development, life cycle analysisas well as environmental and human sciences. Applicants should have a master’s degree orequivalent in philosophy, ethics, or other relevant field. Good communicationand networking skills are essential. The candidates must have an ability towork in a team, as well as to work independently. Preference will be given tocandidates with a demonstrated interestin issues related to technology, innovation and/or interdisciplinarycollaboration. 这个职位所涉及的内容也是multidisciplinary的。 再来一个TAMU对于ocean engineering 这个专业的描述 Coastal and ocean engineering is theapplication of basic engineering principles to the analysis, design,construction, and management of systems that operate in the ocean environment.It is a hybrid technical areautilizing techniques from many branchesof engineering. Typical coastal and ocean engineering application areasinclude: beach protection and nourishment, coastal structures, coastal erosion,development of ocean energy resources, instrumentation for coastal and offshoremeasurements, marine dredging and dredged material placement, moored and towedsystems, ocean mining, offshore petroleum recovery, offshore structures, portsand harbors, search and salvage, suspended and dissolved constituent transport,subsea pipelines and cables, submersible vehicles, and underwater acoustics. 我对hybrid technical area 和many branches of engineering加了粗线。 可以看到从本科到研究生教育,其实学科之间的交叉渗透往往非常重要,这其实正代表着我们这个时代的发展。我想请问,如果学科之间鸿沟如此之大,那么由谁来做这个学科交叉的载体?谁能够做把握全局的总负责人?一个总设计师或者总工程师是不是可以对自己所学以外的专业全部不理会,完全的盲从其他专业工程师的意见,一旦由于其他专业导致的事故,作为总工程师是否可以以此为借口来推卸责任? 这个论坛不是一两个人想从事船舶方面的商务类的工作,我倒想问问,从事这方面的工作你难道不需要法律,金融,财会,贸易等等方面的内容吗?难道是你本科阶段学点造船的专业课就能无师自通了?你要做到相对一个较高的位置,还能天天画图或者现场指导吗?到了这种程度,我相信你每天做的工作百分之九十九和你大学所学毫不相关. 简单地说,就算是你从事专业完全对口的职业,未来的发展如果要想更进一步,必须要涉猎广泛的知识。当然,这里的问题似乎和题目离得有点远,有些人会问,我就算未来在自己的职业过程中涉猎其他非本专业的知识,但是我绝不会成为那个专业的专家,仅仅只能说粗懂而已。而改行对我来说,我面临的挑战是如何以一个非科班出身的人成为这个行业的翘楚?那么,我想下回我就会讲讲,敲开另一个专业的大门到底需要多少知识。