发表于 2008-8-29 17:39
来自: 中国香港
Please read it as
2) 登记吨位
船舶的登记吨位,是指船舶为登记注册的需要,按照有关的丈量公约或规范所规定的丈量办法和计算公式所丈量计算的船舶容积吨位,一个“吨位”("Tonnage")等于2.83m3 的丈量容积,又称1个容积吨("Tonnage")。根据不同的用途分为总吨位、净吨位和运河吨位。
One must remember that "tonnage" is not "ton". For example, we should say " Gross tonnage 10000" but not "Gross tonnage 10000 tons". "Tonnage" itself is a unit in ship's measurement.
"Tonnage" is a volume concept and "ton" is a weight concept. In my maritime life since
1963 working as a ship surveyor, I did see many people make confusion between "tonnage" and "ton".
I am a very serious old fellow of 70.
[ 本帖最后由 menglianglum 于 2008-8-29 17:44 编辑 ] |