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船级社 – 由来、性质和方向/目标(from IACS)

发表于 2006-12-30 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

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全球有50多个组织将其活动定义为提供船舶或海上设施入级服务。其中10个组织组成国际船级社(IACS)。据估计,这10家船级社,加上另外两个副会员,总共拥有全世界商船总吨位94%的入级船舶。IACS 成员社和副会员表见附录2










IACS 成员规范建造的船舶,经相关检验合格后,由该船级社授予船级标志。对于营运船舶,船级社的检验要确定船舶状况仍然符合规范要求。如果发现可能影响船级的缺陷或在两次相关检验之间发生损坏,则要求船东和营运人立即通知有关船级社。













使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

船级的概念逐渐在全世界流行起来。BV1828年在安特卫普成立,1832年迁至巴黎。“英国和外国航运的劳氏登记局”于1834年重组成为独立的船级社;建造与检验规范同年出版。RINA 1861年成立;ABS 的历史可追溯到1862年。十九世纪五十年代后期,挪威保险协会通过的船舶建造共同规范促使DNV1864年成立。GL 1867年成立、NK1899年成立。RS 的前身就是1913年河船登记局的一个分支。较晚成立的有:南斯拉夫船检局[现为克罗地亚船级社(CRS)],成立于1949年;中国船级社(CCS),成立于1956年;KR 成立于1960年;IRS成立于1975 fficeffice" />




国际船级社协会 – IACS


IACS 可以追溯到1930年国际载重线公约及其建议案。该公约建议船级社之间进行合作,以保证“尽可能统一应用干舷所依据的强度标准”。 RINA 根据该公约的内容,于1939年主持召开了主要船级社的第一次大会,大会同意各船级社之间进一步加强合作。出席大会的有: ABSBVDNVGLLR NK


第二次主要船级社会议于1955年召开。会议促使就专门课题成立工作组,并于1968年促成国际船级社协会(IACS)的成立,当时包括7家主要船级社。他们共同而独特的技术知识和经验价值很快得到了公认。1969年,IACS被授予IMO观察员身份。IACS 仍是IMO 中唯一能制定和应用规范的具有观察员地位的非政府组织。 IACS成员和副会员必须符合IACS 质量体系认证计划(QSCS)并遵守IACS道德准则。






理事会之下是由各成员社派出一位高层领导人员组成的综合政策小组(GPG)。该小组制定和实施措施,以实现理事会政策、方向和长期计划。GPG 主席是由担任理事会主席的成员船级社担任。



IACS 道德准则


道德准则是IACS 成员工作的基础,可在IACS网站上查到www.iacs.org.uk )。


道德准则指出: “船级社靠信誉生存。对其技术工作的认可只能通过不断证明其完整性和工作能力来实现。”





使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 10:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

  入级fficeffice" />






·         对新船设计图纸和相关文件进行技术审议,以验证其符合适用的规范;


·         由船级社验船师到船厂检查船舶建造情况,并检验提供重要部件的相关生产设备,这些部件如钢材、发动机、发电机和铸件等,以验证该船是按入级规范的要求建造;


·         上述检验完成合格后,相关船级社将对船东要求签发入级证书予以审议。如果确认符合要求,将批准授予船级并签发入级证书;


·         船舶一旦进入营运期,船东必须使该船接受明确规定的定期船级检验计划。该计划在船上执行,以验证该船继续符合保持船级的相关规定条件。




















使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 10:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

入级检验是一种目测检验,通常包括:fficeffice" />


·         对检验项目进行全面检查;

·         仔细检查所选检验部分;

·         见证试验、测量和试航(如适用)。
























使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 11:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

1)       船舶设计及其结构完整性方面 载重线、完整和破损稳性、主推进、操舵设备等;fficeffice" />

2) 事故防范,包括航行设备、防火及防污染;

3) (火灾、进水)事故后的工作,包括控制和逃离。








如果船舶的船级被暂停或被取消,IACS成员船级社将通知相关船旗国并发布信息,如在网站上发布信息。相应地,船旗国主管机关通常会终止有关构造和设备安全证书 的有效性。












IMO 决议案A78919)对RO检验和发证职能进行了规定,与其一道,IMO有关决议为船旗国提供了要求RO应满足的标准和框架。所有SOLAS公约缔约国主管机关(约100个)都认为IACS成员船级社满足A.73918)和A.78919)决议的要求。RO代表船旗国主管机关进行工作,并向船旗国主管机关负责。检查和检验工作的原则与船级检验一致,即由RO对船舶进行验证,确认船舶满足检验时适用的要求。有关安全和防污染方面的检验和检查范围在船旗国政府接受的相关国际公约及船旗国主管机关颁发的其它指令中进行了规定。




所以,作为一项政策,IACS成员不对非自己船级的船舶进行法定检验。这项政策不适用于ISMISPS认证,因为对于公司来讲,就整个船队实施共同的安全管理体系(SMS)或船舶保安计划(SSP)可能会更加有效,而船队中的船舶可能入不同船级社的船级。但是,IACS已建立体系,确保在具有正当理由怀疑SMS的持续有效性时,拥有船级的船级社应通知船东、ISM发证船级社和/或船旗国主管机关。(IACS程序要求17 – 验船师关于安全管理体系可能失效的证据的程序和特别报告。) 目前正在对ISPS认证采取类似的办法。



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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 11:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

   规范和规则的制定fficeffice" />






如上所述,“法定”要求由IMO制定 ,必要时,IACS对法定要求进行统一解释。

























除共同规范项目外,IACS 关于技术或程序问题的决议通常由专家工作组来制定,而这些专家工作组由综合政策小组(GPG)来监督。



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 11:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

决议的主要种类如下,可在IACS网站中称作“蓝皮书”的CD-ROM中查询:fficeffice" />






经各船级社成员及副会员的主管机构批准,URsIACS理事会批准后一年内纳入船级社规范并付诸实施。如果成员船级社或副会员不想为某种船型或海上构筑物制定规范,UR 的制定并不能强制成员船级社或副会员出版相应的规范。 统一要求提出最低要求。各成员船级社及副会员有权制定更严格的要求。




统一解释 (UI) 是针对执行IMO 公约或建议案过程中出现的问题所做的决议,对公约条款或IMO 决议的有关问题提供统一解释。而这些问题在公约中规定留给主管机关决定,或有必要进行更确切的措辞。


统一解释递交IMO 审议后转发至各主管机关。


经船旗国主管机关授权后,各成员船级社及副会员将统一解释用于在船旗国主管机关登记的船舶,而船旗国主管机关还没有对有关条款的解释做出明确指示。IACS 成员执行各UI 的日期是统一规定的,除非主管机关作出不同的指示。




建议案(Rec) 系指不一定与船级有关的决议,只是IACS 认为这样的建议对工业界有利。




程序要求 (PR) 是各成员及副会员应强制遵循的程序性决议。





使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

决议的主要种类如下,可在IACS网站中称作“蓝皮书”的CD-ROM中查询:fficeffice" />






经各船级社成员及副会员的主管机构批准,URsIACS理事会批准后一年内纳入船级社规范并付诸实施。如果成员船级社或副会员不想为某种船型或海上构筑物制定规范,UR 的制定并不能强制成员船级社或副会员出版相应的规范。 统一要求提出最低要求。各成员船级社及副会员有权制定更严格的要求。




统一解释 (UI) 是针对执行IMO 公约或建议案过程中出现的问题所做的决议,对公约条款或IMO 决议的有关问题提供统一解释。而这些问题在公约中规定留给主管机关决定,或有必要进行更确切的措辞。


统一解释递交IMO 审议后转发至各主管机关。


经船旗国主管机关授权后,各成员船级社及副会员将统一解释用于在船旗国主管机关登记的船舶,而船旗国主管机关还没有对有关条款的解释做出明确指示。IACS 成员执行各UI 的日期是统一规定的,除非主管机关作出不同的指示。




建议案(Rec) 系指不一定与船级有关的决议,只是IACS 认为这样的建议对工业界有利。




程序要求 (PR) 是各成员及副会员应强制遵循的程序性决议。














使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-30 11:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连

  附件 2fficeffice" />






ABS  美国船级社American Bureau of Shipping

BV     法国船级社Bureau Veritas

CCS 中国船级社China Classification Society

DNV  挪威船级社Det Norske Veritas

GL     德国劳氏船级社Germanischer Lloyd

KR    韩国船级社Korean Register of Shipping

LR     英国劳氏船级社Lloyd's Register

NK    日本船级社Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)

RINA 意大利船级社egistro Italiano Navale

RS    俄罗斯船级社Maritime Register of Shipping




CRS 克罗地亚船级社Hatski Registar Brodova (Croatian Register of Shipping)

IRS   印度船级社Indian Register of Shipping



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发表于 2006-12-30 11:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海


LR       1760          5200人

BV       1828         23000人

RINA     1861

ABS      1862

DNV      1864         7000人

GL       1867

NK       1899

RS       1913

CRS      1949

CCS      1956

KR       1960

IRS      1975



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发表于 2006-12-30 19:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连



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发表于 2006-12-31 09:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国山东青岛



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发表于 2006-12-31 10:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连




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发表于 2006-12-31 18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国江苏镇江
楼主厉害  好帖啊

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-12-31 21:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国广东湛江

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-1-2 20:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-4 08:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国辽宁大连


What are classification societies?

fficeffice" /> 

        Why is it called classification?


In second half of the 18th century, marine insurers, based at Lloyd's coffee house in ffice:smarttags" />London, developed a system of inspection of hulls and equipment of ships. In 1760 a Committee was formed for the purpose, the earliest existing result of their initiative being Lloyd's Register Book for the years 1764-65-66.

An attempt was made to 'classify' the condition on an annual basis. The condition of the hull was classified A, E, I, O or U, according to the excellence of its construction and continuing soundness (or otherwise). Equipment was G, M, or B: simply, good, middling or bad. After a few years, G, M and B were replaced by 1, 2 and 3, which is the origin of the well-known expression 'A1', meaning 'first or highest class'.

Eventually, in 1834 a self-standing 'classification society' was set up and called 'Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping'. Rules for construction and survey were published the same year.

The idea of such an organisation caught on around the world, BV being founded in Antwerp in 1828 but based in Paris from 1832. RINA dates from 1861; ABS traces its origins back to 1862. Adoption of common rules for ship construction by Norwegian insurance societies in the late 1850s led to the establishment of DNV in 1864. GL was formed in 1867 and ClassNK in 1899. The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping was an early offshoot of the River Register of 1913. More recent foundations have been CRS in 1949; CCS, 1956; KR, 1960; and IRS, 1975. They are all called 'classification societies' but, with some exceptions, today do not assign different 'classifications'. The ship is either 'in' or 'out' of 'class'.



        What is a classification society today?


A Classification Society is an independent organisation that has no commercial interests related to ship design, ship building, ship ownership, ship operation, ship management, ship maintenance or repairs, insurance or chartering. 


Classification can be defined as the development and world-wide implementation of published rules which will contribute to the structural strength and the watertight integrity of essential parts of the ships hull and its appendages and the safety and the function of the propulsion and steering systems, power generation and those other features and auxiliary systems which have been built into the ship in order to maintain essential services on board. Classification rules are not intended as a design code and in fact cannot be used as such.


Owners require classification of a ship for several purposes such as mortgage, insurance, chartering etc.


The role of classification has been embodied in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS and in the 1988 Protocol to the International Convention on Load Lines.


Another category of physical safety items is dealt with by the technical requirements of international conventions. Thus, these items have been known as ‘statutory’. Broadly, they cover three distinct areas:


1) Aspects of hull design and survivability – load line (which overlaps with classification) and stability in the intact and damaged condition;
2) Accident prevention, including navigational aids and pollution and fire prevention;
3) The situation after an accident (fire, flooding) – containment and escape.


Some or all of these may also be reproduced in a particular class society’s rules.


Classification today is the foundation on which the flag Administration issues certificates in accordance with the international conventions: SOLAS, Load Line and MARPOL (Prevention of Pollution from Ships). The flag may delegate the approval and survey work under these conventions to class, in which case, class is said to be acting on behalf of the Administration as its recognised organisation (RO – see p4 below).


A ship built in accordance with an IACS Member's rules will be assigned a class designation by the society. For ships in service, the surveyor of each member society carries out surveys to ascertain that the ship remains in compliance with those rules. Should any defects affecting class become apparent or damages be sustained between the relevant surveys the Owner and operator are required to inform the society concerned without delay.


A ship is maintained in class provided that the relevant rules have, in the opinion of the society concerned, been complied with and surveys carried out in accordance with its rules.


The classification certificates issued are not to be construed or implied as an express warranty of safety, fitness for purpose or seaworthiness of the ship or of its value for sale, insurance or chartering.



Scope of classification


The classification process consists of:


·         The review of plans and documents, and the completion of surveys during construction, to check that the rules are complied with;

·         Upon satisfactory completion of the above the assignment of class and issue of a certificate of classification;

·         The periodical class surveys carried out onboard to check that the ship in service continues to meet the conditions for maintenance of class.


Activities which fall outside the scope of classification include such items as: design and manufacturing processes; choice of type and power of machinery and certain equipment; number and qualification of crew or operating personnel; form and cargo carrying capacity of the ship and manoeuvring performance; hull vibrations; spare parts including their number, location and fastening arrangements; life-saving appliances and maintenance equipment.  These matters remain therefore the responsibility of other parties, even if they are given consideration for classification according to the type of ship or class notation(s) assigned.



Assignment, maintenance, suspension and withdrawal of class


Class is assigned to a ship upon the completion of satisfactory surveys, held in order to check compliance with the rules of the society, either at the time of newbuilding or when an existing ship is transferring class.


Classed ships are subject to surveys for maintenance of class. These surveys include the class renewal (also called “special survey”), intermediate, annual, and bottom/docking surveys of the hull, tailshaft survey, boiler survey, machinery surveys and surveys for the maintenance of additional class notations, where applicable. The surveys are to be carried out in accordance with the relevant requirements in order to confirm that the condition of the hull, machinery, equipment and appliances comply with the applicable rules.


The classification of a ship is based on the understanding that the ship is loaded, operated and maintained in a proper manner by competent and qualified crew or operating personnel. It is the Owner's responsibility to ensure proper maintenance of the ship until the next survey required by the rules. It is the duty of the Owner, or their representative, to inform the surveyor, on boarding the ship, of any events or circumstances affecting the class.


Where the conditions for the maintenance of class are not complied with, class will be suspended, withdrawn or downgraded or revised to a different notation, as deemed appropriate by the society. The ship may lose its class either temporarily or permanently. In the former case it is referred to as “suspension” of class, in the latter case as “withdrawal” of class. In the case of surveys becoming overdue, the suspension is automatic.



        Classification surveys


A classification survey is a visual examination that normally consists of:

·         an overall examination of the items for survey,

·         detailed checks of selected parts,

·         witnessing tests, measurements and trials where applicable.


When a surveyor identifies severe corrosion, structural defects or damage to hull, machinery and/or any piece of its equipment which, in the opinion of the surveyor, affects the ship’s class, remedial measures and/or appropriate recommendations / conditions of class are implemented before the ship continues in service.


 ‘Recommendation’ and ‘condition of class’ are different terms used by IACS societies for the same thing and are requirements to the effect that specific measures, repairs, request for surveys etc., are to be carried out by the owner within a specific time limit in order to retain class.


The class renewal surveys/special surveys (held every 5 years) include extensive examinations to check that the structures, main and essential auxiliary machinery, systems and equipment of the ship remain in a condition which satisfies the rules. The examinations of the hull are generally supplemented by thickness measurements and witnessing of tests as specified in the rules and as deemed necessary by the attending surveyor to assess that the structural integrity remains effective and to help discovering substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration.


At the time of annual surveys, the ship is generally examined. The survey includes an inspection of the hull, equipment and machinery of the ship and some witnessing of tests, so far as is necessary and practical in order to check that the ship remains in a general condition which satisfies the rule requirements.


The intermediate survey (held approximately half way between special surveys) includes examinations and checks as specified in the rules on the structure to show that the ship is in a satisfactory condition.  According to the type and age of the ship the examinations of the hull are supplemented by thickness measurements as specified in the rules and where deemed necessary by the attending surveyor.



        Statutory certification of ships


The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is an umbrella convention concerned with many aspects of the sea and its uses, including the granting of registration of a ship by a State. Once a ship is registered, the flag State has certain duties laid out in UNCLOS. In particular, under Article 94, the flag State must  “effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical and social matters over ships flying its flag”  and take   “such measures for ships flying its flag as are necessary to ensure safety at sea…..”


International Conventions have been agreed setting out uniform standards to facilitate acceptance of a ship registered in one country in the waters and ports of another and in the general furtherance of safety at sea and protection of the environment.


SOLAS and the other International Conventions permit the flag Administration to entrust the inspection and survey of ships to a recognised organisation (RO). The organisation is empowered to require repairs or other corrective action to a ship and to carry out inspections and surveys if requested by the appropriate authorities of a port State.


IMO Resolution A 739(18) lays down minimum standards for ROs.  Fundamentally it requires the organisation to demonstrate its competence and to be governed by the principles of ethical behaviour which should be contained in Code of Ethics. The RO should be subject to the certification of its quality system by an independent body of auditors accepted by the Administration. Together with IMO Resolution A.789(19), which presents specifications on the survey and certification functions of ROs, these resolutions provide the criteria and framework on which a flag must be satisfied that their RO’s meet.  IACS Members have been found to meet resolutions A.739(18) and A.789(19) by all of the Administrations (approximately 100) that are Parties to SOLAS.


The RO is responsible and accountable to the flag Administration for the work that it carries out on its behalf.  The principles of the inspection and survey work are the same as in respect of classification surveys, that is the verification by the RO that a ship is in compliance with applicable requirements at the time of the survey.  The scopes of these inspections and surveys are laid down by the flag Administration in compliance with the relevant international conventions it has signed.


Classification is one of the elements on which statutory certification by IACS members stands.  SOLAS Ch II-1, Reg 3-1 states that, in addition to the requirements of the other (SOLAS) regulations, ships shall be designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with the structural, mechanical and electrical requirements of a classification society which is recognised by the Administration in accordance with the provisions of regulation XI/1, or with applicable national standards of the Administration which provide an equivalent level of safety.


When a ship is suspended or withdrawn from class, IACS members notify the flag Administration concerned and publish the information e.g. on its weBSIte. As a consequence, the flag administration generally invalidates the statutory certificates concerning construction and equipment.



        The International Association of Classification Societies - IACS


IACS can trace its origins back to the International Load Line Convention of 1930 and its recommendations. The Convention recommended collaboration between classification societies to secure "as much uniformity as possible in the application of the standards of strength upon which freeboard is based…".

Following the Convention, RINA hosted the first conference of major societies in 1939 - also attended by ABS, BV, DNV, GL, LR and NK - which agreed on further cooperation between the societies. This was, of course, delayed by the second world war.

A second major class society conference, held in 1955, led to the creation of Working Parties on specific topics, and in 1968 to the formation of IACS by seven leading societies. The value of their combined and unique level of knowledge and experience was quickly recognised. In 1969, IACS was given consultative status with IMO. It remains the only non-governmental organisation with Observer status which is able to develop and apply rules.

Compliance with the IACS Quality System Certification Scheme QSCS and Observance of the Code of Ethics is mandatory for both IACS Member and Associate status.

The governing body of IACS is the Council, with each Member represented by a high management figure.  Under the Council is the General Policy Group (GPG), made up of a senior management figure from each Member, which develops and implements actions giving effect to the policies, directions and long term plans of Council. The detailed technical work is carried out by 25 or so Working Groups undertaking tasks assigned by GPG. The groups and their tasks are listed on the IACS website www.iacs.org.uk.  At the time of writing (January 2004), this working structure is under review.

IACS resolutions on technical or procedural matters may be developed by the members. These include Unified Requirements (UR) on matters directly connected to or covered by specific Rule requirements and practices of classification societies; Unified Interpretations (UI) on matters arising from implementing the requirements of IMO Conventions or Recommendations; and Procedural Requirements (PR) on matters of procedures to be followed by Members and Associates. 

IACS has in place a strategic plan to replace the Unified Requirements for structures (the ship’s hull) with Unified Rules, common to all members.


          IACS Code of Ethics


The Code of Ethics is the bedrock of the IACS members’ work and can be found on the IACS website.


It states, inter alia:


  Classification Societies live on their reputation. Acceptance of their technical work can only be maintained by continuously proving integrity and competence.    and


  Competition between Societies shall be on the basis of services (technical and field) rendered to the marine industry but must not lead to compromises on safety of life and property at sea or to the lowering of technical standards.”


The members of IACS are:




ABS  American Bureau of Shipping

BV     Bureau Veritas

CCS China Classification Society

DNV  Det Norske Veritas

GL     Germanischer Lloyd

KR    Korean Register of Shipping

LR     Lloyd's Register

NK    Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)

RINA Registro Italiano Navale

RS    Russian Maritime Register of Shipping




CRS Hrvatski Registar Brodova (Croatian Register of Shipping)

IRS   Indian Register of Shipping




IACS 2004 subject to the terms and conditions shown on the IACS website.



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