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FM-200 System , 消防系统,船上使用?

发表于 2011-8-3 14:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国上海



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FM-200 System General Information

Commonly Asked Questions

Automatic Protection Systems Engineered FM-200 Fire Suppression Systems combine an environmentally safe fire suppression agent, highly effective detection devices and specially developed components for fast agent discharge. The resulting rapid suppression of a fire reduces property damage and products of combustion to the lowest possible level. These systems are electrically, pressure and/or cable operated, with a normal design discharge time of less than ten (10) seconds. Agent storage containers can be strategically located throughout a protected zone, eliminating expensive piping.

System Description

FM-200 systems are used to suppress fires in specific hazards or equipment located where an electrically non-conductive agent is required, where agent cleanup creates a problem, where extinguishing capability with low weight is a factor and where the hazard is normally occupied.

FM-200 systems are intended to protect the following:

  • Data Processing Facilities
  • Telecommunications Facilities
  • Process Control Rooms
  • High Value Industrial Equipment Areas
  • Libraries, Museums and Art Galleries
  • Anechoic Chambers
  • Flammable Liquid Storage Areas

Fm-200 systems are designed to be suitable for the following classes of fire:

Class "A" ?Surface Type Fire Wood or other cellulose-type material.

Class "B" ? Flammable liquids.

Class "C" ? Energized electrical equipment.

For hazards beyond the scope described above, Automatic Protection Systems designers will consult with the factory and/or NFPA 2001 on the suitability of FM-200 for the protection, necessary design concentration and personnel exposure effects from that concentration.

FM-200 must not be specified where the following material may be present:

Pyrotechnic chemicals containing their own oxygen supply; reactive metals ?sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium, zirconium, uranium and plutonium; metal hydrides.

Operating/storage temperature range limitations for all components used in a FM-200 system is +320 F to +1300 F (00 C to +540 C). Cylinders should not be mounted where they will be in direct sunlight, severe weather conditions or mechanical, chemical or other damages which could render the equipment inoperative. If any of the above is a distinct possibility, suitable enclosures or other protective measures should be taken.

Extinguishing Agent

FM-200 (1,1,1,2,3,3,3heptafluoropropane) is a compound of carbon, fluorine and hydrogen (CF3CHFCF3). It is colorless, odorless and electrically non-conductive. It suppresses fire by a combination of chemical and physical mechanisms without affecting the available oxygen. This allows personnel to see and breath, permitting them to exit the fire area safely. FM-200 has acceptable toxicity for use in occupied spaces when used as specified in the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program rules. Although FM-200 is considered non-toxic to humans in concentrations necessary to extinguish most fires, certain safety considerations should be observed when applying and handling the agent. The discharge of FM-200 may create a hazard to personnel from the decomposing agent itself and from the decomposition products which result when the agent is exposed to fire or other hot surfaces. Exposure to the agent is generally of less concern than is exposure to the decomposition products. Unnecessary exposure to the agent or the decomposition products should be avoided.


In tests, the acute toxicity of FM-200 was shown to be equivalent to that of Halon 1301. FM-200 has been evaluated for cardiac sensitization through test protocols approved by the U.S. EPS. The EPA抯 SNAP Program classifies FM-200 as acceptable for use as a total flooding agent in occupied spaces with specified limitations. Refer to the SNAP program rules for more information.


When FM-200 is exposed to temperatures over approximately 13000 F (7000 C), products of decomposition (halogen acids) are formed. If the FM-200 is discharged in 10 seconds or less, causing rapid extinguishing of flames, the amount of by-products formed is minimal.


FM-200 is clean, leaves no residue, thereby eliminating costly after-fire clean-up and keeping expensive "down-time" to a minimum. When FM-200 is discharged, the liquid vaporizes at the discharge nozzles and is uniformly distributed as it enters the fire area. Most materials such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and other metals as well as plastics, rubber and electronic components are unaffected by exposure to FM-200.

FM-200 Physical Properties

Molecular Weight170.03
Freezing Point-2040F (-1310 C)
Boiling Point2.6o F (-16.40 C)
Vapor Pressure32.9 PSIA @ 400 F (2.26 bars absolute @ 4.40 C)
66.4 PSIA @ 770 F (4.576 bars absolute @ 250 C)
148.2 PSIA @ 1300 F (10.2 bars absolute @ 540 C)
Critical Temperature215.10 F (101.70 C)
Critical Density38.76 lb/ft3 (521 kg/m3)
Critical Pressure422 PSIA (29.0 bar absolute)
Critical Volume0.0258 cu.ft./lb (1.61 L/kg)
Specific heat, saturated liquid at 770 F (250 C)0.2633 Btu/lb 0F (0.2633 kcal/kg 0C)
Specific heat, saturated vapor at 770 F (250 C)0.1856 Btu/lb 0F (0.1856 kcal/kg 0C)
Specific heat, saturated vapor at 1 atm. 770 F (250 C)0.1734 Btu/lb 0F (0.1734 kcal/kg 0C)
Heat of vaporization at boiling point57.0 Btu/lb (31.7 kcal/kg)
Thermal Conductivity, liquid at 770 F (250 C)0.040 Btu/hr ft 0F (0.069 W/m 0K)
Thermal Conductivity, vapor at 770 F (250 C)0.0068 Btu/hr ft 0F (0.012 W/m 0K)
Viscosity, liquid at 770 F (250 C)0.000124 lbm/ft s (0.184 centipoise)
Viscosity, vapor at 770 F (250 C)0.00000887 lbm/ft s (0.0132 centipoise)
Surface tension at 770 F (250 C)7.00 dyn/cm (7.00 mN/m)

For More Information Contact:

Marvin W. Morris(click to email)

906 Witter
Pasadena, TX 77506
(713) 946-3311 Office
(888) 883-5974 Toll Free
(713) 946-2227 Fax

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发表于 2011-8-3 14:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
恩  类似于CO2   气体灭火方式   不过该气体对人无害  可置于被保护处所内  目前用于LNG上比较多。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-3 15:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
贵不?  为什么LNG上多,而其他船不普及?
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发表于 2011-8-4 21:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东珠海
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