根据新规则,直升机平台下面不能放东西? 什么FATO,falling gradient?
Below helideck level: Within the (minimum) 210-degree arc, the surface shall additionally extend downward from the edge of the FATO/TLOF below the elevation of the helideck to water level for an arc of not less than 180 degrees that passes through the centre of the FATO/TLOF and outwards to a distance that will allow for safe clearance from the obstacles below the helideck in the event of an engine failure for the type of helicopter the helideck is intended to serve.
Note. For both the above obstacle free sectors for helicopters operated in Performance class 1 or 2 the horizontal extent of these distances from the helideck will be compatible with the one-engine inoperative capability of the helicopter type to be used.
Limited obstacle |