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发表于 2010-7-11 22:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国浙江舟山

Codes Description 种类      
0157 International sewage pollution prevention certificate 国际防止生活污水污染证书      
0158 Statement of compliance (cas) 符合证明      
0159 Interim statement of compliance (cas) 临时符合证明      
0160 International ship security certificate (issc) 国际船舶保安证书      
0174 Inf certificate of fitness 核放射物质适装证书      
0228 Documentary evidence for personnel on passenger ships 客船人员证明文件      
0251 Certificate for medical care 医疗证书      
0252 Evidence of basic training 基本培训证明      
0253 Schedules for watchkeeping peasonnel 船员值班计划      
0261 Record of rest 休息记录      
0270 Endorsement by flag states 船旗国签注      
0272 Application for endorsement 签注申请      
0321 Heating 住舱的加热      
0322 Noise 噪音      
0361 Electrical devices 电器      
0380 Access/structure 通道/结构      
0382 Sleeping room 卧室      
0383 No direct opening into sleeping room from cargo/machinery areas 从货物/机械处所无直接开口进入卧室      
0384 Furnishings 家具      
0385 Berth dimension,etc 卧铺尺寸      
0386 Clear head 净高      
0387 Mess room location 餐厅位置      
0388 Oil skin locker 防水库房      
0389 Laundry 洗衣房      
0390 Record of inspection 检查记录      
0411 Ventilation 通风      
0412 Lighting 照明      
0413 Cleanliness 清洁程度      
0421 Provisions(quality) 粮食(质量)      
0440 Cold rooms 冷库      
0441 Cold rooms temperature 冷库温度      
0442 Cold rooms cleanliness 冷库清洁程度      
0450 Food peasonal hygiene 食品个人卫生      
0451 Food temperature 食品温度      
0452 Food segregation 食品分隔      
0460 Record of inspection 检查记录      
0515 Heating 工作场所的加热      
0530 Safe means of access 通道的安全措施      
0531 Safe means of access shore-ship 船/岸之间的通道安全措施      
0532 Safe means of access deck-hold/tank,etc 甲板与货舱/液舱之间的安全措施      
Codes Description 种类      
0533 Obstruction/sliping,etc 阻碍物/防滑,等      
0540 Protection machinery 机器的防护      
0541 Electrical 防触电      
0542 Machinery 防机器      
0543 Steam pipes and pressure pipes 蒸汽管和压力管      
0550 Danger areas 危险区域      
0551 Gas instruments 气体探测器具      
0552 Emergency cleaning devices 应急清洁

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发表于 2010-7-12 19:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海
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