发表于 2012-7-7 20:58
来自: 中国浙江宁波
If I try to change someone I love because I feel I know how that person should be, I rob him or her of a precious right, the right to take resp***ibility for one's own life and choices and way of being. Whenever I impose my wish or want or try to exert power over another, I rob him or her of the full realization of growth and maturation. I limit and prevent by my act of possession, no matter how kind my intention. 如果我试图改变所爱的人,仅仅因为我觉得他/她应该这样,就等于是掠夺了他/她的一项珍贵的权利,即他/她对自己生命的责任权和生活方式的选择权。无论何时我把自己的意志和权力强加给别人,都会导致他/她无法完全成长和成熟。无论我的意图多么善良,我的控制行为还是限制和阻碍了他们。 |