2019年9月10日和15日,中国船舶重工集团公司第七一一研究所(以下简称“七一一所”) 为山东海运股份有限公司(以下简称“山东海运”)旗下2艘好望角型散货船所配备的混合式脱硫系统依次顺利通过航海试验,胜利凯旋。 On September 10th and 15th, 2019, two of the Capesize Bulk Carriers that was equipped with hybrid EGCs designed and manufactured by SMDERI for Shandong Shipping Corporation, has successfully completed its sea trail.
在太平洋海洋工程(舟山)有限公司,混合式脱硫系统安装现场 Hybrid EGCs installation site at Pacific Oceaneering (Zhoushan) Co., LTD,
现场试航情况 SeaTrail Site 此次海试的2艘好望角型散货船,均入级中国船级社(CCS),其中,“山东恒昌号”是CCS首条采用混合式脱硫系统。2艘船的整个海试在山东海运和CCS现场验船师的见证下,所有测试一次性成功,开式和闭式模式下,烟气,排水所有指标,均符合国际海事组织(IMO)针对船舶安装脱硫系统的法规要求。 Two of the Capesize Bulk Carriers that went on sea trail this time was classified by CCS, and the ship of ShanDong HengChang was the first one that equipped with Hybrid EGCs. Under the witness of the ship owner and the CCS surveyors, in open loop and closed loop, the exhaust gas outlet S/C, sewage pH, turbidity and PAH, difference of turbidity and PAH between the inlet and outlet, all meet the requirements of IMO regulations, all the tests were successful at one time for both ships. 该系列船试航的成功,一方面,离不开CCS上海分社,南京分社,舟山分社在整个项目上对七一一所的大力支持,从图纸审核,到设备检验,到实船试验,一步步见证着七一一所的进步与发展。 The success of this sea trial should be attributed to the strong support of CCS Shanghai Branch, Nanjing Branch and Zhoushan Branch, from drawing preview, to equipment inspection, to the full scale test, which witnessed the progress and development of SMDERI step by step.
另一方面,也得益于山东海运和七一一所在船舶排放后处理领域所建立的良好战略合作关系,长期以来,双方密切合作、相互支持、携手共进,成效显著。七一一所也将继续以军工企业标准严格要求自身,致力于为山东海运提供最适用、先进的产品与服务! In addition, Shandong Shipping Corporation and SMDERI have maintained sound strategic and cooperative relationship through close cooperation, mutual support and joint development for a long time. SMDERI has and will always commit to providing Shandong Shipping Corporation, as well as other customers with the best products and service to realize mutual benefit and joint development with military standards.