本帖最后由 yz123 于 2010-4-22 10:53 编辑谁知道在船舶专业,SCALLOP应该怎么解释?具体是什么东西?
Present arrangement of collecting water drainage inside the bosun store is insufficient on
Fr.204, below access doors) and on Fr. 210, between the chain lockers, including all transverse
division bulkheads frames in forecastle area.
Fr-204; additional drain plugs and on internal structure; additional drain holes / scallops required. scallop 是过焊孔的意思 扇行孔的意思。 It is suggested to translate as “扇形过焊缝孔” scallop有没有R孔的意思啊,R孔和过焊孔是不是一回事呢 It is suggested to translate as “扇形过焊缝孔”
menglianglum 发表于 2010-4-22 21:30 can`t agree with u any more~ 端部的过焊孔或扇形的可以兼做流水孔的孔 过焊孔,以前有篇帖子讨论过这个 就是扇形过焊孔 其实也就是R多少的过焊孔 我觉得一个意思 menglianglum's english is quite good. 一般解释为角隅孔:既可以流水又可以过焊。在楼主所粘贴的句子里的意思是:流水孔 scallop过焊孔. 一般解释为角隅孔:既可以流水又可以过焊。在楼主所粘贴的句子里的意思是:流水孔