我本英雄 发表于 2023-5-15 13:07

LNG 船英语词汇

每天发点LNG 船相关的英语词汇,有兴趣的可以一起参与下。
1,Insulation pannel/ box 绝缘箱。
2,CCS:cargo containment system货物维护系统
3,membrane Mark3 membrane insulating system
4,invar steel 因瓦/殷瓦合金,不变钢----殷瓦钢为含镍36%的Fe-Ni合金
5,composite 合成的,复合材料,composite secondary membrane 合成材料次屏蔽层
6,primary stainless steel 304L membrane不锈钢主屏蔽
8,plywood 夹板,三合板,胶合板
9,boil off rate 气化/煮沸蒸发率
10,Bond 粘接 bonding procedure

个性是一种态度 发表于 2023-5-15 13:47


我本英雄 发表于 2023-5-16 08:35

11,Scaffolding 脚手架 erect scaffolding ,
12,Reference axis/ˈæksɪs/基准线,坐标轴 marking of the inner hull
13,Resin rope (Mastic rope)树脂绳
14,kraft paper 牛皮纸
15,Wedge 木箱四角调平垫块
16,Primary barrier
17,Optimal flatness ------ Mastic ropes + kraft paper
18,Coupler(Anchoring device)
19,spring washer
20,glass wool------filling the gap between primary insulation boxes With glass wool

我本英雄 发表于 2023-5-17 08:32

本帖最后由 我本英雄 于 2024-1-18 08:55 编辑

21,Invar Clip-----Invar tongue:welded with /along the raised edge,clipped to the insulation box
22,Temporary opening
23,Boil-Off Optimisation/ˌɒptɪmaɪˈzeɪʃn/optimise
24,Large /small corrugations
25,elastic support /ɪˈlæstɪkelastic coupling 弹性联轴器adj.有弹性的;灵活的n.弹性织物,松紧带elastic connection
25,Anchor strip/strɪp/ (SUS steel )----riveted to the top plywood,allow the primary membrane welding
26 Large corrugation/small corrugation
28 Primarystainless 304L membrane ,anchored to the panel ,1.2mm thick ,standard pitch :340mm,contains LNG and compensate thermal expansion and contraction.
29,Rigid/ˈrɪdʒɪd/严格死板的,僵化的;(人)顽固的,不通融的;刚硬的,不易弯曲的;(因强烈的感情而)僵硬的,僵直的;精确的rigid coupling刚体刚性物体刚体约束.
Traditionally, robots have been very hard, made of metal and other rigid material.
The course was too narrow and too rigid.
30,Rigidsecondarybarrier :Aluminum foilbounded between2 glass clothes ,ensure a 100%redundancy in case of leakage of primary membrane31.bonded store :保税仓库:一种特殊的仓库,通常用于存储进口货物,直到缴纳关税和其他税费之前。

我本英雄 发表于 2023-5-18 08:35

本帖最后由 我本英雄 于 2024-1-15 08:33 编辑

31,brittle fracture/failure脆性破坏/ˈbrɪt(ə)l/You've already known that ice is brittle, and if you hit it with a hammer, it will shatter like glass.
大家都知道冰是易碎的,如果你拿锤子敲击它,它会如玻璃一样碎裂。They were quite brittle and shattered very easily if they were dropped.
它们很脆,如果掉在地上很容易碎。They don't deform easily; they tend to be more brittle.
LNG 船舶有别于常规液化石油气(LPG)船的一个主要技术难点,就是如何使LNG
货物在-163℃的极低温度下被安全装运,并且避免低温对船体钢结构造成脆性破坏。How to make the LNG cargo be safely shipped at the extremely low temperature of -163℃, and avoid the brittle damage to the hull steel structure caused by the low temperature.
32,dome 货舱顶部气室
33,Seam resistance weld相邻板列的折边部分采用电阻焊(Seam resistance weld)与木箱上预先安装、并且相对固定的舌型板(Tongue)焊接,从而形成液密的界限,并且使殷钢 板能够紧贴木箱表面,不发生过大的横向和垂向位移。
34,Longitudinal dihedral/daɪˈhiːdr(ə)l/纵向舱壁之间两面角
35,pump tower,泵塔
A:左舷泵排出管(Portside Pump Discharge Pipe)
B:右舷泵排出管(Starboard Pump Discharge Pipe)
C: 扫舱泵排出管(Stripping Pump Discharge Pipe)
D: 雷达液位测量管(Radar Level Gauge Pipe)
E: 应急泵排出管(Emergency Pump Discharge Pipe)
F: 注入管(Filling Pipe)
G: 浮子液位测量管(Float Level Gauge Pipe)
H: 高位报警(High Level Alarms)
J1,J2,J3: 电缆管(Electrical Cables Pipe(Cargo Pumps))
K: 仪表管和取样(Instrumentation Cables and Sampling)

lxh200876 发表于 2023-5-19 12:40


我本英雄 发表于 2023-5-24 08:55

499121811 发表于 2023-5-24 15:56


我本英雄 发表于 2023-5-25 08:54

本帖最后由 我本英雄 于 2024-1-24 08:45 编辑

36,Corrosion additions 腐蚀余量,
37,Sloshing/slosh 晃动
38,Fatigue analysis/fəˈtiɡ/------Hull structure to be designed with 40 years fatigue life
39,All frames, beams and stiffeners shall be of rolled section, built-up section or flat bar at the Builder’s discretion.
40,Cargo area to be divided into four (4) cargo holds by cofferdams, and four (4) cargo tanks of Mark III Flex containment system to be arranged in the cargo holds. Cargo holds to be constructed with double bottom, double hull, double deck, double transverse bulkhead arrangement as shown on the GA Plan.

海的水面 发表于 2023-5-31 10:07


我本英雄 发表于 2023-6-5 09:04

Mark III型主薄膜(primary membrane)采用1.2毫米的304L不锈钢板,次薄膜(secondarymembrane)为三重材料-玻璃纤维布/铝泊/玻璃纤维布碾压而成,主次绝缘层为强化聚亚胺脂泡沫塑料块

龙十七 发表于 2023-6-5 11:42


Chaucer 发表于 2023-8-1 08:10


我本英雄 发表于 2024-1-18 08:42

1.optimal design优化设计;最佳设计

2.optimal control最优控制

3.optimal solution最优解,最佳解

enzobus 发表于 2024-1-18 12:54

楼主不错 继续努力

我本英雄 发表于 2024-1-24 13:46

When natural gas is cooled to –162 C at atmospheric pressure it condenses to a liquid called
LNG, which is only 45% the weight of fresh water and occupies 1/600 the volume of the gas.
It is odourless, colourless, non-corrosive, non-toxic and dielectric.

我本英雄 发表于 2024-1-24 15:37

我本英雄 发表于 2024-7-1 09:15

Thank you all for your participation ,the follow-up part will be continuted.

中远小王 发表于 2024-8-22 23:07


qdxiaohai 发表于 2024-10-31 16:44

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