本帖最后由 ciicsh 于 2011-7-5 14:10 编辑
中智外企招聘服务中心代世界顶级船级社招聘(船级社正式headcount, 非中介,不收费) Plan Approval –Load line Working location: shanghai
Responsibilities Plan approval related to Load line Convention and other statutory requirements. Calculation and evaluation within the scope of plan approval Signing business correspondence according to Corporate Procedure, and according to personal authorization Valid from Superior’s Signature Confirmation Date/ Employee’s Signature Qualification
Engineering Degree in Naval Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Handling or Civil Three years' work experience in ship safety matters gained at a shipyard or ship designing company an advantage Proper understanding of statutory instruments as Load Line- and SOLAS Convention. System-oriented approach to the task at hand with a high degree of personal responsibility, and able to work under pressure Professional experience in design, arrangement and requirements on ship’s equipment. High level of personal responsibility, communicative skills and self-assured appearance Good communication skills in a fast paced environment, remaining proactive, resourceful and efficient Flexible team worker, and capable of acting independently and well organized Ability to maintain flexibility and be adaptable to changes Good command of technical / business English, both spoken and written 报名方式:请将中英文简历以附件形式发至:jobyx@ciicsh.net ,并注明应聘职位,谢谢! 公司简介
中智上海秉承“追求卓越”的服务理念,遵循“诚信、尊重、公正、专业”的企业文化价值观。经过十多年的辛勤耕耘,以人力资源为中心逐渐开拓相关服务,目前已形成以外企服务、出国服务、国际贸易、管理咨询和投资业务为重点的服务产业链,并以每年超过50%的速度递增,成为中国本土地区最具规模与实力的全方位人力资源服务供应商。截止到2007年底,已经为大陆地区120余个城市,超过1万4千家的跨国企业及驻华代表机构(其中371家为全球500强企业)所下属的近34万名雇员提供符合国际标准的流程化人力资源外包管理服务 中智上海连续三年蝉联由上海人才中介行业协会评选的“年度信得过人才中介机构”及“十佳人才派遣机构”;荣获由亚太人力资源研究协会和《财智》杂志共同评选的“中国人力资源年度最佳HR综合服务机构奖”、“最佳服务机构领导奖”、“年度杰出贡献奖”;2005-2006年荣获中国著名人力资源传媒“HR管理世界”颁发的“大中华区最佳人力资源外包机构奖”、“大中华区最佳人力资源会展机构奖”;入围“上海服务业2006年百强企业”。 |