Hi Mr. Xu Please see following corrections. 1.There is one ship 55 DWT K being built at Zhejiang Jiantao Shipyard, which will be completed in May 2011. The vessels Main Engine is being fitted now and then will be launched end of this month. Please sugggest if we can get an outftiing/machinery supervisor. 2.The electrical supervisor can follow a month later? 3.Then a Hull supervisor or anyone else you suggest from your side. The next project is 90K DWT bulk carrier at Taizhou This project will start in March 2011 and will end 2012. This is for 2 vessels 各位,我希望招到有船东代表经验的监造师,我这几天收到的都是只做了2-3年的QC的求职简历。我认为不是很适合。请有船东经验的联系我。要求马上上岗,另外船体同时上岗,请速发简历。 |