Floating Dock
Built:1969 Russia
LengthOoverall : 117.8m
LengthOverpontoon : 101.0m
WidthBetween Inner Side Wing Walls : 21.6m
WidthBetween Outer Side Wing Walls : 29.44m
HeightOverall : 12.3m
HeightOf Inner Side Wall : 9.02m
LiftingCapacity : 4500Tons
Inspection: Russia
Delivery: Prompt
Price: US$ 800,000 as is where is
Theterm of validity of survey : until October 2008,
andhas operated till then., but operation is possible i m m e d i a t e ly ?
Inspection:near far east area
TheBody is steel or concrete ? steel
OnePontoon or Joint pontoon ? One pontoon |